Stone Lore-
The crystal Charoite is found in only one part of the world, the Chara River area of Siberia.
The colors of Charoite range from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with both white, gray and black veining. It forms a swirling pattern of interlocking crystals. Purple is a sixth-chakra color, and the sixth chakra is where many of our limiting mental programs, including our fears, are stored. The color purple, among it's other roles, helps to bring us closer to spirit by showing us that everything, even the thoughts we hold as true, can be dissolved and replaced with more empowering energies. In the Victorian era it was very popular as material for carved cameos.
The Mongols use this stone to make decorative objects, and on special feast days they would boil the stone in tea. This tea is then consumed by all members of the family in order to strengthen family ties and protect all it's members from evil.
Charoite was quickly adopted as a power stone in ancient times to aid in transformations. It has survived great trauma, rains, winds, heat and cold, only to become more beautiful over time. This is a wonderful lesson. You cannot avoid changes in your life, just flow with them and become stronger.
Charoite is a high frequency stone which aids the wearer in walking their path of service in this lifetime. It instills a sense of peace and harmony with the flow of life and destiny. It allows us to understand and heed the lessons we have brought upon ourselves.
This stone will assist you in stepping out of the old, fear based existence of emotions, thoughts and patterns. It lightens the way to the unlimited self. Carry Charoite to release limiting beliefs and old patterns, so you can manifest your reality with Divine assistance for your highest good and greatest joy.
Crown, Earth Star, Heart, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Universal Gateway
Astrological signs-
Virgo, Aquarius
Healing ability-
Put charoite beneath your pillow, especially if you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which surface in dreams. In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears.
Charoite is said to be useful for the cleansing and purification of one's energy body as well as for the transmutation of negative energies within oneself. It cleanses the aura. Charoite facilitates the release of fear and dissolution of negative energies encountered in the process of aligning with your soul's purpose. Work with Charoite to foster a synthesis between the heart and crown chakra, walk your spiritual path with awareness, and manifest your soul's wisdom and light in daily life.